On Monday Laura shared her snake enclosure with the class. She carefully explained how she had made it. It was great to see that Laura had reused something that someone else might have thrown away.
Laura had a realistic toy snake called Fire Streak which lives in the enclosure. We all thought Laura was very clever to think of the idea. It shows that Laura has a wonderful and creative imagination.
Great class that lets you take in your pet snakes - it looked at home with the spiders in the background. room 8 looks like it has far too much fun!
i ssssstupendously liked the ssssspiders, i've never ssssseen so many sssssspiders in my life. your ssssschool is ssssssplendid but your room 8 classssssss is the besssssst. ssssssigned fire sssssstreak.
What a great idea Laura! Fire Streak looks so realistic! Well done.
Mrs R
wow you must of worked hard on making that house for Fire streak! I really enjoyed seeing Fire streak
From Amy & Yasmin
Thanks for sharing Fire Streak and the snake enclosure with Room 7 Laura!
WOW Laura i really liked Fire streak he was cool. In the photos it looks real.
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