21 March 2014

Quiet Reading

Learning to read quietly and focusing on our chapter books is becoming easier . When we actually focus on our books we really enjoy our reading and think more about what we are reading. We understand the story better.  
We are on the way to becoming really good readers!

Our Buddies are in a Play

Today we were invited to be a special audience as our little buddies rehearsed their play for the junior assembly in the library They were dressed up and knew their words really well.

We loved their butterfly pictures too that they are going to share this afternoon.

Maths and Money

What a great way to learn about place value of numbers by using money! The room 8 maths class had a lot of fun making 4 or 5 digit numbers with money.

12 March 2014

Stand Ups

For reading this week we have been learning to write bullet points and facts in our words.We chose the sea creature we liked and published the facts on stand ups.They are hanging in our room.
We are very pleased with them.

The New Playground

Last Friday we took our little buddies to the new playground and helped them use the equipment safely. It was a fun activity after testing  spelling rockets!

7 March 2014

Sea Week

This week we have been reading for information about sea creatures for Sea Week .
Students worked with a buddy to decide which facts they would include in their mind maps. We learned about molluscs, bony fish and starfish.
Did you know?
  •  molluscs don't have eyes but can sense light.
  • Starfish push out their stomachs to dissolve their food into liquid and  suck it up.
Amazing !

3 March 2014

Quick Writes

Today for writing we learned about the 6 sentence story where each sentence contained a  piece of information that made the story.e.g.
  •  Once upon a time and introduce the character 
  •  the setting
  • what is their talent
  • the problem
  • how do they feel about it 
  • how the problem is solved.

We worked with a buddy today and tomorrow we will finish the story, edit it and will publish.
After that we will write our own!

2 March 2014

Our Treasures

Our homework task this week was to bring something to school that represents a family treasure and share it with us.
We had a lot of interesting things like a dog visiting,a treasure box, an antique necklace ,medals, an old camera and a little sister. Brodie brought his little sister Elsie to school and had written a really touching piece of writing explaining how special she was. 
Some of the class were lucky enough to share their treasures at the team assembly.
                                     Brodie and Elsie
                                      All our treasures.