30 October 2012

All the water in the World .

Yesterday we experienced how little useable water there is in the world.
All the water in the world can be represented by  20 litres or 2 buckets .

The only fresh water found in ice, snow , rivers, lakes clouds soils and rock is represented by 2 mugs from the bucket. One and a half mugs of the water is found deep under the ground or in  the Antarctic or Arctic circle and we can't easily reach it.
All the rest of the water left in the buckets is salty. 
3 teaspoons of water from the mug is the only freshwater we can easily reach ! That's not much!

This has made us think very carefully about the way we use water.We didn't waste the water and used it to water the plants in  our garden .

1 comment:

NOAH said...

I am so amazed at how much water you can drink!!!