10 May 2012

Blowing up a Plastic Zip Bag

Today we added 1/4 cup of water and 1/2 cup vinegar into a ziplock bag.

 We zipped the bag up but left a little gap to drop in a tissue containing 3 teaspoons of baking soda. 

We zipped up the bag and thew it outside.
What happened ?
It foamed up and filled the bag before popping it open. Very exciting!
Why did this happen?
What happens inside the bag is actually pretty interesting - the baking soda and the vinegar eventually mix . When they do mix, you create an ACID-BASE reaction and the two chemicals work together to create a gas, (carbon dioxide - the stuff we breathe out)  Gasses need a lot of room and the carbon dioxide starts to fill the bag, and keeps filling the bag until the bag can no longer hold it any more and, POP! 

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