26 July 2013

Welcome to Term 3

Welcome back to a busy but short term 3 . We are covering multiplication and division in maths, report writing, and Dinosaurs which will be fun. Our reading focus is reading for information, skimming and notetaking along with our normal guided reading programme.
  It is the wearable arts focus for the Year 5 and 6s this year so that should be fun watching that evolve. In art we will be learning about printmaking in various ways.

We do still need to wear slippers in class to keep the carpet clean. If your child loves to get muddy on the grass, a spare pair of pants in their bag to change into would be appreciated to keep our class clean.

Remember your homework book every day and your water bottle.
Lets have a great start to the term on Monday.

14 July 2013

End of Term

It's is now the end of a busy and long term. A time for some rest and relaxation everyone. You have worked hard and the weather has not been kind.
Have a lovely break and in two weeks you will be ready for another exciting term!
What will we be learning about ? Here is a clue.

The Art of Fatu Feu'u

In art this term we have been studying the New Zealand artist Fatu Feu'u. Originally from Samoa his work reflects his Samoan heritage and the thing he treasures from his culture. He also makes use of the painting technique sgraffito. We used his work 'Conserve for Tomorrow' as a starting point for our paintings and thought about the things that we valued in our own culture and environment which we would like to see preserved. We planned four symbols which we transferred to our canvas and painted. We then explored how we could add depth and texture to the paintings using the sgraffito technique.

Celebration of Learning Open Afternoon.

There was a buzz of excitement over the whole class as we prepared to show our families what we had been learning about. Students showed their books and pointed out work on display.
What a lot of parents and family members came. Some students took over 30 minutes to share their work with their parents. I was very proud of the way the students were able to articulate their learning and thinking. The open afternoon went from 3 till 5 and we had families in our class the whole time.
Well done everyone !

Brain Week

Brain week was a big success. Everyone loved designing their own literacy and the discovery afternoons where they got to rotate around different creative activities. We all learned a lot and managed our time well. It's something we would like to do again.

Check out the Learning Den's blog to see what everyone has been doing over the week.You can see the completed blog entry here.